Christopher Leggett was tragically shot by a terrorist gunman in Nouakchott, Mauritania, on the morning of June 23rd 2009. He was a dear husband, father, son and friend. Chris and his family lived and served in Mauritania, North West Africa for 7 years where Chris was director of Noura Foundation, a relief and development organization committed to helping Mauritania’s poor. He was widely known as a man of deep faith in God, loving and compassionate, and Mauritanians were greatly distressed at his death, which profoundly impacted this small, desert nation.
Noura’s projects included prisoner rehabilitation in Nouakchott’s prisons, literacy training, vocational courses, micro-credit programs and other humanitarian efforts. By the grace of the God and the commitment of those who worked with Chris and learned from him, the work in Mauritania continues and Chris’ legacy lives on.
Testimony from the Leggett family:
“Loving God and loving people was Chris’ passion. He lived out that passion at home as a father, husband and son as well as with everyone he came into contact with. This passion was obvious in his administration and work in relief and development. He made everyone he came into contact with feel loved, respected and highly valued. He had a constant joy and peace about him that many couldn’t understand. He challenged us all to give of ourselves to those in need, and was often heard quoting, ‘If not you…who? If not now…when?’ He was a patient, humble man full of integrity, and we as his family are blessed to have had his influence in our lives. We, as well as so many others, are better people simply having known him. He was a tremendous example to everyone.”
Testimony from a co-worker in Mauritania:
“Chris was a man of honor, a leader in our community, highly respected by all who came into contact with him. We miss him and the family greatly, but are determined that his legacy, and that of the Noura team, should live on through those who remain here in the country.”